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Showing posts from September, 2013

How publish Saiku Analytics on OpenShift

Saiku Analytics is a great open source server or Pentaho plugin for explore and vizualize data! About Saiku : " Saiku was founded in 2008 by Tom Barber and Paul Stoellberger. Originally called the Pentaho Analysis Tool, if started life as a basic GWT based wrapper around the OLAP4J library. Over the years it has evolved, and after a complete rewrite in 2010, it was reborn as Saiku. Saiku offers a user friendly, web based analytics solution that lets users, quickly and easily analyse corporate data and create and share reports. The solution connects to a range of OLAP Servers including Mondrian, Microsoft Analysis Services, SAP BW and Oracle Hyperion and can be deployed rapidly and cost effectively to allow users to explore data in real time. " - Meteorite About OpenShift : " OpenShift is a cloud computing platform as a service product from Red Hat. A version for private cloud is named OpenShift Enterprise. The software that runs the service is open-sourced un